
Welcome to planop!


Planop is a risk analysis methodology for analysing installations manipulating hazardous substances.

The name planop is an acronym for Protection Layer Analysis and OPtimisation.

Planop helps you analyse the risks of your process and assists in creating the process safety documentation you need to drive your Process Safety Management system to keep your installations safe.


Planop is being developped by the Department for the Supervision of Chemical Risks of the Belgian Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue. Planop was inspired by the brochure Procesveiligheidsstudie of this department. You can find this brochure in the module Publications of its website (only in dutch and french).


The most important features of planop are:

  • a structured identification of hazards and risks, supported by suggestion lists,
  • detailled analysis of the identified scenarios using graphical cause trees,
  • evaluation of deviation scenarios by means of Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA),
  • analysis of effectivity and reliability of measures, again supported by suggestion lists,
  • webapplication with authorisation and version control, including extra functionality for efficient cooperation and information sharing.